Principal investigator

Dr. Henrique Batalha Filho
Professor at Biology Institute, UFBA.
B.Sc. in Biology - State University of Southwestern Bahia, Brazil (2006).
Master degree in Genetics - Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil (2008).
Ph.D. in Genetics and Evolution - University of São Paulo (2012).
He has extensive field work experience with birds in the Atlantic Forest, and with phylogenetic and phylogeographic inference. His scientific interests include phylogenetics, phylogeography, biogeography, and evolution of Neotropical biota.

Alan Fecchio
Project: Ecological and evolutionary factors shaping the distribution and diversity of blood parasites (Plasmodium e Haemoproteus) in New World bird communities.
PhD students

Silvia Britto Barreto
Co-adivised by Dr. Paulo Roberto Antunes de Mello Affonso
Project: Phylogeography, hybrid zone and speciation in lineages of Nematocharax venustus
Mario Henrique Barros Silveira
Project: Historical biogeography of rainforest enclaves using birds as phylogeographic models
Leandro Araújo Argôlo
Co-advisor. Main advisor Dr. Paulo Roberto Antunes de Mello Affonso
Project: Molecular systematics and historical biogeography of the "Geophagus" brasiliensis species complex
Rafael Burger
Co-advisor. Main advisor Dra. Angela Maria Zanata
Project: Integrative taxonomy and phylogeography of Astyanax Baird & Girard from Paraguaçu river, with emphasis on rivers at the Chapada Diamantina
Sidnei Sampaio dos Santos
Co-advised by Dr. Marcos Maldonado-Coelho
Project: Acoustic signals evolution of fire-eye antbirds (genus Pyriglena, Aves: Thamnophilidae): geographic variation and influence of phylogeny in the acoustic recognition
Camila Costa Trevisan
Co-advisor. Main advisor Dr. Marcelo Felgueiras Napoli
Project: Comparative phylogeography of amphibians from relict Cerrado patches from northeastern Brazil coast
Link CV.
Lucas Menezes Silva
Co-advisor. Main advisor Dr. Marcelo Felgueiras Napoli
Project: The Pleistocene in northeastern Brazil: comparative phylogeography of forest anurans
Link CV.
Rafael Oliveira de Abreu
Co-advisor. Main advisor Dr. Marcelo Felgueiras Napoli
Project: The role of Jequitinhonha river as barrier for amphibians from the Atlantic Forest
Link CV.
Daniel Capelli da Silva
Co-advisor. Main advisor Dr. Hilton Ferreira Japyassú
Project: Phylogeography and song evolution of passerines from the Caatinga: comprehend patterns and processes of biome diversification
Marcia da Silva Anjos
Co-advisor. Main advisor Dr. Paulo Roberto Antunes de Mello Affonso
Project: Phylogeography and endemism patterns in Hypostomus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) from Atlantic Forest and São Francisco ecoregions
Master students

Lucas Marcel Pagani Passos
Project: Diversity and phylogenetic structure in bird assemblages from Caatinga
Rilquer Mascarenhas da Silva​
Project: Effect of urbanization on natural populations: investigating selection signatures in the genome of urban birds
Undergraduate students

Ivan Pedro Azevedo Campos
Project: Population history of Geophagus brasiliensis (Perciformes, Cichlidae) on Contas River Basin, Bahia
Elaine Cardoso dos Santos​
Project: Population history of Chiroxiphia pareola (Aves: Passeriformes) from forest enclaves in the Chapada Diamantina
Débora Christina Zuanny
Advisor Dr. Alan Fecchio
Project: Infection patterns and diversity of blood parasites in Caatinga birds
Past lab members
Rafael Piedade Felix​ - Undergraduate in Biology in 2017.
Project: Evaluating the effect of urban noise on song of Coereba flaveola in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Cecil Pergentino Fazollato - Master degree in Ecology in 2016.
Project: The effects of the Quaternary sea-level fluctuation in the evolutionary history of Restinga- endemic Tropidurus hygomi
Link CV.
Lucas Medeiros Silva - Master degree in Ecology in 2016.
Project: Ecological niche modeling and population history of the social spider Anelosimus eximius (Araneae: Theridiidae) reveal connection between South American tropical forests
Link CV.